So you built or have a beautiful website but you are just not getting the traffic you want to build your business. Here are 5 keys to boost your SEO rankings today!
- Have Long-Tail keywords. Gone are the days of just having simple keywords like Jewelry, Computers, Machinery, and Manufacturing. You need to be more specific and have a prefix, main or Middle word, and a suffix that is tailor made to your website and what you are offering.
- Speed up your site. You can have a beautiful site but if you do not compress your images or videos, you are not going to get pinged by Google. Make sure you are not using large images and use YouTube or Vimeo for your videos instead of embedding them.
- Blog, Blog, Blog. This is probably the most powerful way to get your site up the rankings. If you do not blog at least 5 times a week there are competitors who are leaving you in the dust. Be very careful that your blog has quality content and is relevant to your site and keywords.
- Guest Blog or join a Guest Blogging site. This can make your life a lot easier in getting content. Guest blogging sites can have blogs from professionals that you can grab for free that is good quality and relevant to your site and you can submit your blog for others to use. Again just make sure you are gathering and submitting quality content. Also Google the Guest Blog you are using. Some have been penalized by Google recently so be aware!
- Utilize Social Media. When you blog make sure you are posting to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., etc. Some companies have entire teams devoted to social media so make sure that you have links that point back to your site. If you are blogging but NOT using social media you are hurting yourself and again getting behind the competition.
There are many other concepts that are vital to getting your site up the Google Rankings but I believe these are the big five. At the Mindlin Consulting Group we use over 40 different keys to get sites up the rankings so if you need a little more help than what is above let us know below!